

Page history last edited by Paul Crosland 14 years, 6 months ago

Victim Satisfaction Framework



A meaningful Victim Satisfaction Framework, producing evidence of what victims do (or do not) get from restorative processes

(Initially developed 2005-6 and being refined in 2010-2011 as part of the SafeGround1 project -see www.additionalinfo.blogspot.com)


The Victim Satisfaction Framework produced with thanks to Derbyshire Victim Support, Leeds YOS, Oxfordshire YOT, South Devon YOT, & West Midlands Probation Service.; members of Mediation UK's Mediation & Reparation committee worked on this for some months through 2005-2006.

The framework was launched at the 4th Annual Restorative Practititioner Network Day (2006) at a workshop led by Paul Crosland, Peter Wallis and Saar Yaniv.


The documents to download are as follows

 1) Here is an explanation of the Victim Satisfaction Framework

(i.e. Notes about the Victim Satisfaction Framework.doc)


2) The Victim Satisfaction Framework.doc. (Release version 2.0, Spring 2007)

Note -if you want to change anything you just need to Unprotect the form:  Go to View-Toolbars-Forms. Once you have the Forms toolbar visible, click on the Protect/Unprotect button (looks like a little padlock).  Just remember to save the document AFTER you have re-locked the form, other wise everyone will be able to make changes!)


3) The additional information recommended to be recorded alongside the VSF e.g. offence type... (OFFICE USE - Victim Satisfaction Framework.doc)


 NEW - Enter your  forms into the Victim Satisfaction Framework national database  (Link active from October 2007)


Where agencies choose to add their data to an anonymous national data set,  this is likely to help the development of restorative approaches in a number of ways. You are also free to save a copy of the national data at any point in the year and see how your teams’ results look alongside other anonymous teams’.


Annual Reports on the anonymous national data set will be made available on this wiki site and brought to the 11th October 2007 Annual Practitioners Network Day.




Do you have needs that the National Victim Satisfaction Framework Database does not meet? (Please let us know)


If you prefer to process your data independently (or to run a parallel monitoring system), a corresponding Excel spreadsheet From Victim-Satisfaction-Framework to row of data.xls was produced for the VSF (Release version 1.2, Spring 2006). If the 'macros' are enabled on this spreadheet then the entered questions on the first worksheets produce a row of data on the worksheet labelled 'answers'.  These excel spreadsheets are yours to edit and collate as you see fit.


Other documents - evolving practice on Victim Satisfaction:


Youth Justice Board counting rules.doc

(The above document is an extract taken from this YJB web-page)


Also from the YJB website (evolving practice) here's a victim questionnaire from Lancashire Scheme+example+victim+questionnaire.doc


There is no copyright on the Victim Satisfaction Framework.doc; it is free for you to use.


The VSF is being well-supported in the restorative-practitioner led initiative.

It enables the evaluation and improvement of the quality of restorative processes delivered.



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